Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Patience and Due Diligence always payoff...ZENX

We have found in the three years we have been providing our service to microcap traders and speculators that our ideal holding time is approximately 3 to 5 months. We believe this to be because we recommend very small and undiscovered companies that are profitable and are in a sector with a great deal of momentum. One example of this is our recommendation on January 3, 2006. Here are the details:

Company: Zenex International (ZENX)
EPS: $0.24
Sector: Construction
Share Price: $0.465

After doing our due diligence we felt the company was extremely under priced and recommended it to our subscribers on January 3, 2006 at $0.465 per share.

That was then; this is now…ZENX closed at $1.95 per share on April 24, 2006, that is an increase of 319%.

The company seemed extremely under priced…fast forward 4 months to April 24, 2006 and you will find the stock trading at $1.95 and increase of 319%. If you bought 2150 shares on January 3 at $0.465 your $999.75 investment would now be worth $4192.50.

To see our original recommendation click here.

Can you really afford to miss trades like this?

Start your FREE 14-day trial offer to The MicroCap Speculator today, by clicking here.